He is one of the company's CEO. He
is a young entreprenure and a student
at(.....). He and the rest came up with
the idea of having a company that would
cater for the communication industry. They
decided to begin with an IM app
that would have it's users call, text and
also video chat for free. He was one of
them that came up with that
amazing and wonderfull idea of coming
up with GG
He is one of the company's CEO. He
is a young entreprenure and a student
at TUK. He is a determined young enreprenure with big visions for the company. The company
has seen and been through lots of challenges but with the help and non-giving up attitude of
Peter, the company has been able to move on each step of the way without fear of failure.
He has always had a vision for the company just like the rest but his determination and hard work
cannot go un-appreciated.
He is one of the company's CEO. He
is a young entreprenure and a
business man.He is an entreprenure with a passion for litrature and writting. He also
fancies web design, computer programing and software development. When he heard about
the app GG, he accepted the proposal and contributed his shares in the company.
He has the desire of GG growing to become a cross platform app that will cater for
everyone in the society. His contriution and support to the company cannot go
un announced
He is one of the company's CEO. He
is a young entreprenure and a
business man.He is a man of many hobbies but his most outstanding is his desire
to read his best books being novels. He also was one of the people who came up with
the idea of developing an IM app that could serve the people without fear of internet
bundles depleating. That is usually every young person's greatest desire. Having to
communicate with his/her friends without limit. His generous contribution
has seen the compny move from step to step without weivering. His support
to the company is distinguishable.
He is one of the company's CEO. He
is a young entreprenure and a
business man.He has a passion in all fields of IT. He is the developer who has seen GG
App come from scrach to something real. To him computer programming and software
development is an extension of his life. He believes that if you have faith
in yourself you can become whom you want to become. He has always had a desire
of taking computer software and hardware to the next level. His determination
and support of his friends will see GG become the #1 IM app that will bring change
in the fields of communication. His effort in the company is and will be a
major game changer in the communication industry.